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Skin Types/Conditions

Oily Skin/Acne

At Fresh Faced Aesthetics, we have a wide range of treatments that are best suited to soothing breakouts and acne, whilst also significantly reducing excess oils.

Before every treatment, our skincare specialists will work to identify the problem areas to ensure that it is treated correctly and will also provide you with an at-home skincare kit – allowing for you to receive only the best results.

We would also like to note that our range of treatments for oily skin and acne can also be used on the back too.

Blackheads, Whiteheads and Milia Spots

Whiteheads and Blackheads are small white and black spots which are commonly found around/on the nose, the t-zone and on the chin. As a result of clogged pores, blackheads (also known as open comedones) are open to the air and oxygen which oxidize the sebum (oil) and turn the affected area black. Whilst, whiteheads (also known as closed comedones) are the same leison closed.

With a similar appearance to white/blackheads, Milla are small white spots often found around or near the eyes and cheeks – however they are not associated with acne, but come as a result of aging and slower cell turnover.

To help combat these blemishes, here at Fresh Faced Aesthetics our specialists will work to replenish and unclog each of the problem areas –  resulting in a clear and glowing complexion.

We will also advise you on and provide you with the best products to use-at home in between treatments allowing for you to receive the best results overall.

Sensitive and Hypersensitive Redness Prone Skin

As one of the most common skin types, sensitive skin (or hypersensitive redness prone skin) is often caused by a compromised skin barrier – resulting in inflammation reactions caused by temperature changes, and even the consumption of spicy food.

Sensitive (and hypersensitive) skin is also vulnerable to stimuli (which would often be tolerated by normal skin) to which these stressors can trigger erythema (redness of the skin on the face).

Skin inflammation can also be linked to a chronic skin condition called Rosacea, however these symptoms can fluctuate depending on the exposure to the triggers mentioned above.

To help soothe the inflammation, here at the clinic we offer a wide range of treatments which are specifically suited to sensitive and hypersensitive skin.

For more information or to book your complimentary face-to-face consultation, please contact us or pop into the clinic today.

Facial Scarring

Following an injury, a wound can most commonly turn into a scar depending on its significance.

However, a facial scar can appear in numerous forms and can be caused by a number of factors, including; acne, burns or surgery and due to the nature of your face constantly being exposed to the world around you they often take longer to heal.

In light of this, at Fresh Faced Aesthetics we have an array of treatment options available – all of which are delivered by our specialist skincare experts.

To book your complimentary consultation contact us today.

Dry and Dehydrated Skin

Commonly caused by a lack of oils and epidermal lipids, dry skin can often be identified by a number of factors, including:

Slight (or severe) flaking, peeling or scaling of the skin.

  • A feeling of tightness
  • Redness
  • Itching

It can also be caused by the nature of your skin in general,  as a result of a diagnosed dry skin condition such as eczema or duo to environmental factors – such as UV exposure and pollution.

On the other hand, dehydrated skin is a skin condition which comes a result of the lack of water in the top layer of the epidermis – to which this can affect all skin types, including oily and combination skin.

As a result of this, accelerated signs of ageing such as fine lines, sagging skin and an overall dull appearance can occur.

To learn more about the effects of these conditions and how our specialist team can help you, contact us today.

Sun Damaged and Ageing Skin

Whilst the majority of us love to soak up the sun, it can often have a significant impact on our skin, with the signs of sun damage beginning as early as your late teens to early twenties. Long-lasting effects can include:

  • Skin cancer – as a result of UV (Ultraviolet) light hitting the skin when unprotected by sunscreen, causing DNA changes at a cellular level.
  • Premature aging.
  • Wrinkling
  • Pigmentation changes, including age spots and freckles.
  • Loss of skin tone (due to decreased elasticity)
  • Rough, uneven skin texture
  • Broken capillaries (spider veins), usually around the nose and chest.

Although sun damage cannot be undone completely, at Fresh Faced Aesthetics we provide a variety of treatments (including facials and chemical peels) which work to improve the skin’s complexion and appearance.

Following your appointment(s) we also recommend that you use our favored SPF range to help reduce further damage.

Please contact us today for more information or to book your complimentary consultation.

Dull Skin

At Fresh Faced Aesthetics we are often seeked out by those looking for treatments to help improve their dull skin.

In response to this, we have a wide range of facial treatments available, all of which will help to brighten your skin, as well as reducing the appearance of fine lines and large pores – with many of patients opting for the brightening facial either before a celebratory weekend or an event.

You can browse through our full range of facial treatments here.


Unlike blemishes and breakouts, hyperpigmentation is one skin condition which is very hard to remove or treat completely – however it can be reduced and prevented through our variety of facial treatments, which also work to rejuvenate the skin.

Most commonly presented in brown spots, blotchy skin and rough skin texture, hyperpigmentation can also sit significantly deeper if caused by the following conditions:

  • Sun damage: It is no secret in the beauty industry that UV rays from the sun can have a harmful effect on our skin. In fact, they are responsible for up to 80% of the signs of premature ageing – with one of the main signs being hyperpigmentation age spots.
  • Melasma: Also known as dark pigmentation, Melasma is commonly found on the face as an indication to hormonal changes. In light of this, it is mostly, but not exclusively associated with pregnancy hormones – with this example being called a ‘pregnancy mask’.
  • Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation: When your skin goes through an inflammatory phase (such as acne or eczema) it can often produce darker pigmentation sports following the healing process.
  • Medical Conditions: In some cases, hyperpigmentation can often be a symptom of an underlying medical condition, such as Addison’s Disease. In light of this, should you be uncertain about what is causing the hyperpigmentation, we would advise seeking help from your GP and to discuss any concerns you may have – or to seek advice and treatments from a trained dermatologist.

Should you seek any help with pigmentation due to sun damage, melasma or post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation please contact us today to book your consultation or to learn more about our variety of treatment plans.